For accounts with an active consent, go to |My moey!| > |Profile| > |Other accounts| you can choose the account you want to manage. There are 3 options on what to see in your Feed:
- Balance Only: You will only see your My moey! account balance. Account movements will not appear in your Feed or Stats
- Balance and movements: See your account balance and movements in My moey and Stats
- Nothing (hidden account): The account will be hidden and you will not be able to see your balance and movements on My moey! or Stats
For accounts with expired consent, only 2 options can be selected:
- Movement history: See the movements that moey! synchronized when consent was active on My moey and Stats
- Nothing (hidden account): The account will be hidden and you will not be able to see your balance and movements on My moey! or Stats
To have access to the updated balance and movements, you will need to renew consent for that account with that Bank.